Service Mash

2020, Aug 21    

Service Mash


A service mesh, like the open source project Istio, is a way to control how different parts of an application share data with one another. Unlike other systems for managing this communication, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer built right into an app. This visible infrastructure layer can document how well (or not) different parts of an app interact, so it becomes easier to optimize communication and avoid downtime as an app grows.








mesh diagram

When Might a Service Mesh Be a Bad Idea?

There are five main reasons why you may *not* want to consider using a service mesh to manage the potentially complex networking challenges a microservices architecture presents.

1. Service Meshes are Opinionated



2. Service Meshes are Complex


3. Service Meshes can be Slow


4. Service Meshes Prefer Self-Contained Blueprints


5. Service Meshes are for Developers


See our post “Should I use a service mesh?” for more details.


Istio is an open source service mesh initially developed by Google, IBM and Lyft. The project was announced in May 2017, with its 1.0 version released in July 2018. Istio is built on top of the Envoy proxy which acts as its data plane. Although it is quite clearly the most popular service mesh available today, it is for all practical purposes only usable with Kubernetes.


Linkerd (rhymes with “chickadee”) is the original service mesh created by Buoyant, which coined the term in 2016. It is the official service mesh project supported by the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation, Like Twitter’s Finagle, on which it was based, Linkerd was originally written in Scala and designed to be deployed on a per-host basis. Criticisms of its comparatively large memory footprint subsequently led to the development of Conduit, a lightweight service mesh specifically for Kubernetes, written in Rust and Go. The Conduit project has since been folded into Linkerd, which relaunched as Linkerd 2.0 in July of 2018. While Linkerd 2.x is currently specific to Kubernetes, Linkerd 1.x can be deployed on a per-node basis, thus making it a more flexible choice where a variety of environments need to be supported. Unless mentioned otherwise, the comparisons below refer to Linkerd 2.x.

Istio Linkered



![[Pasted image 20230302000614.png]]

![[Pasted image 20230302000441.png]] ![[Pasted image 20230301235656.png]] 例如Istio部署。Envoy代理被部署为边车。在这个部署模型中,代理被注入到每个容器工作负载中。因此,可以为每个工作负载分别配置代理。Istio控制平面由用于配置、度量、控制和保护各种服务到服务连接的组件组成。

Control Plane

Control Plane是一组api和工具,用于控制跨网格的代理行为。控制平面是用户指定身份验证策略、收集指标和配置整个数据平面的地方。



Data Plane



Platform Support


同样,Linkerd 2。x目前也需要Kubernetes。然而,Linkerd 1.x 仍在广泛部署并处于积极开发中,它被设计用于在许多环境和框架中运行,包括AWS ECS、DC/OS和Docker。对环境的广泛支持的主要原因是Linkerd 1.x 可以部署在每个主机上,这允许它与不适合sidecar部署的环境集成。

Linkerd 1.x per-host deployment

每台主机上部署的Linkerd服务网格。在这个部署变体中,运行在同一主机上的多个微服务连接到一个共享的Linkerd (1.x)实例。

Supported Protocols

Both Istio and Linkerd 2.x support HTTP 1.1, HTTP2, gRPC, and TCP communication between services via their sidecar proxies. Linkerd 1.x does not support TCP connections.

Implementation Languages

Both Istio (the control plane) and Linkerd 2.x are written in Go. The proxy used for Istio’s data plane, Envoy, is written in C++ while the proxy implementing the Linkerd 2.x data plane is written in Rust. Linkerd 1.x is written in Scala.

Security, Encryption and Authorization

Istio’s control plane components provide the following security functionality:

  • Citadel: Key and certificate management.
  • Pilot: Distribution of authentication policies and secure naming information.
  • Mixer: Management of authorization and auditing.
  • Sidecars: Implementation of secure communication between proxies with support for TLS encryption.

As of this writing, automatic TLS encryption in Linkerd is labeled “experimental” and host-to-host authentication is not supported.

Sidecar Injection

The process of adding sidecars to deployment artifacts and registering them with the service mesh control plane is called “sidecar injection.” Both Istio and Linkerd support manual and automatic sidecar injection.

High Availability

Istio supports high availability on Kubernetes provided multiple replicas are configured and the podAntiAffinity flag is used.

High availability features in Linkerd are currently labeled “experimental.”

Monitoring and Tracing Support

Istio supports Prometheus natively and integrates with Jaeger for distributed tracing.

Linkerd supports Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring out of the box but does not currently support distributed tracing.


The performance overhead of Linkerd 2.x is generally lower than that of Istio.

In a performance benchmark between both services meshes, it was shown that for the test load consisting of HTTP echos, the queries per seconds dropped from a baseline of 30-35 thousand queries per second (kqps) to 10-12 kqps for Linkerd and 3.2-3.9 kqps for Istio